Hoping to Capture the Loch Ness Monster!

Publisher: J.B. White
Series: Best of All
Catalogue: A1358
Date of Issue: First half of 1934
Artist: Unknown
Usage: 9 Oct 1934 (Inverness)

Some of the best postcards of Nessie don't actually feature the Monster! Dudee-based postcard publisher J.B. White were one of the most prolific producers of Loch Ness Monster postcards during the 1930s. This hand-tinted effort was part of a series of  postcards issued in the lead-up to the summer and tourist season of 1934. The image depicts a couple in a red coupe, probably a Ford or Vauxhall, armed with fishing equipment in order to 'catch' the Loch Ness Monster. Despite being depicted next to a body of water, they have evidently not yet reached their destination, as the signpost indicates. Hopefully the worms, tackle and salt would do the trick to lure a reluctant Nessie to the surface!

This card pictured above bears a charming message from a father to his young son:

"We went for a long walk by the side of Loch Ness but we did not see the monster. No one knows quite how deep the Loch is, but it is 23 miles in length. Best, love from Daddy."  

J.B. White reprised this striking image in a chromolithographic postcard from ca. 1940, part of a cartoonish adaptation of several of the earlier White cards , again by an unknown artist. A Scottish bairn and Urquhart Castle have mysteriously appeared in the revised image, in addition to numerous other changes. It was reprinted on several occasions into the 1970s. 
